Information for First Responders on Interacting with an Individual with Autism


  • not understand what you say
  • appear non-compliant
  • say the same thing over and over again
  • be unable to speak or speak with difficulty
  • say something unexpectedly inappropriate
  • repeat lines from a movie, TV show, or the internet
  • engage in repetitive behaviors
  • act upset for no apparent reason
  • appear insensitive or oversensitive to pain
  • appear anxious or nervous
  • dart away from you unexpectedly
  • engage in self-stimulating behaviors (e.g. hand flapping, jumping, or rocking)

Autism First Responder Training Video

Thank You to the Autism Society of Texas for allowing us to use this video



The Disability Independence Group provides a video for first responders and self-advocates on using a wallet card to tell an officer you have a disability. Visit the wallet card site here 

Please get in touch with us at if you would like to talk more about first responder training.

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